Resident Guide



Shoreside Rental Management (SRM) is very excited to be your property manager and we are looking forward to a prosperous partnership. Our motto, "From our family to yours, welcome home" is also our philosophy. We are here to answer any questions you have regarding your rental home and to assist you in making your portfolio as profitable as possible. 

This tenant guide and welcome packet provides you with an introduction to our services and some valuable tools you can use. Please retain this link for future reference.

SRM manages several single family homes all along the Mississippi Gulf Coast. We have achieved this by providing each of our client's personalized and dedicated service.

We believe communication is critical to a successful relationship. We use state of the art technology to provide you with instant e-mail notifications on: maintenance requests, immediate communication, tenant payments and status of work orders.

We are pleased that you chose our community. We want to make your home with us comfortable and enjoyable. The purpose of this handbook is to help you to get acquainted with your new home and community. You, as the resident, and we, as the management company, have responsibilities to each other. Hopefully, by clarifying these responsibilities at the very beginning, we can better achieve our objective, as stated in our Mission Statement: “Provide quality housing to each of our residents and contribute positively to his or her lifestyle.” We believe that service is the foundation of all business. We strive to have homes in Move-In ready condition with the help of the Owners. Home owners are not required to provide this service though so please be sure to bring up any issues before signing your lease to make sure the Owners are willing to provide the service or parts requested.

It is with these thoughts in mind that this handbook was prepared.



Are very important people to our business
Are not dependent on us; we are dependent on them
Are not interruptions to our work; they are the purpose of it
Are long term friends of our business; not outsiders
Do have the right to expect quality service
Have the right to expect us to be punctual and well groomed
Take priority over all other tasks
Are deserving of courteous and attentive treatment


Shoreside Rental Management (SRM) works under the Mississippi Real Estate Commission licensing law. We have maintained superior reputation in providing outstanding service in real estate management. The Company is recognized as a leader in apartment, single-family dwelling, and commercial management. We pride ourselves in providing expert service to every one of our Residents. Our personnel are carefully selected and trained.


Your professional management team is courteous and efficient. Our entire staff is professionally trained and skilled in their areas of responsibility. We are constantly striving to provide the best service possible.


Hours of office operation are 9am to 4pm. Please note, there is not always someone in the office to monitor the front desk. Please call 228.382.3210 to make an appointment with or discuss any issues with our Property Manager. We are located at 808 Howard Ave #108 Biloxi, MS 39530. The building is only open from 8am to 4pm M-F. We strongly suggest you put your request in writing, drop it off at the management office or use our web site at During office hours, you may call regarding service requests or to obtain assistance. A special emergency number is provided for after hour emergency service calls only.

We are concerned with doing the best job possible serving you. However, they also enjoy time with their families. Therefore, please consider their time when calling after normal working hours.


Office – 228.382-3210

Property Manager – 228.382-3210

Email –


Maintenance Requests –Go to and log into your Tenant Portal.

Accounting - 228.382-3210

Web Site -


Please mail or drop your rent payment off at the management office during the hours of 8am to 4pm M-F. If the office is closed, please use the mail drop located to the right of the office’s front door.

Please ensure your address is printed on your check or money order and/or your envelope. This is important in crediting your rent payment to your account. Please make your check payable to SRM. Rent is due in the home office on the first day of each month. A late charge of 10% of the rent is assessed if the rent is not received in the home office by 4pm the 4th of the month in which it is due. If the late fee is not included in the rent payment there will be an additional $10 a month fee until the late is brought it. Our policy is - any resident whose personal check is returned two times over a six-month period is asked to pay in accept cashier’s checks/money order, cash or checks. Returned personal checks for insufficient funds are charged a $50.00 return check-processing fee as well as applicable late charges.


Your security deposit is not rent but a deposit to ensure the fulfillment of lease conditions and as a contingency against any damages to the property. It shall not be applied to your last month’s rent. If you fulfill your lease according to its terms, only charges for damages, excluding normal wear and tear, will be deducted from your security deposit. Following are the conditions for return of security deposits:

You must fulfill the terms and conditions of your lease and not owe the Company any money.
You must provide proper written notice, as outlined in your lease agreement, by completing the appropriate form.
The property must be left clean with no damage beyond normal wear and tear.
The property, including the oven, range, refrigerator, bathrooms, closets, cabinets, floors, and carpet must be clean.
All debris and rubbish must be disposed of in the appropriate waste containers.
Nail holes must NOT be patched prior to move out. You are welcome to use small nails, but you will be charged by maintenance for the repair when you move out.
All rent and Late Fees must be paid through the date of the move-out.
After you have removed all of your belongings from the property, the management representative will inspect your property, during normal office hours. The management representative will clearly indicate on this form the items, if any, for which you will be charged.
You must give the management office a valid forwarding address.
You are not considered officially vacated until all keys are turned in to the rental office.
Your security deposit will be returned to you by check, and will be mailed to the forwarding address you provide.
This check will be made payable jointly to all persons who signed the lease. You will also receive a disposition form, outlining all charges that will have been deducted from your security deposit, if any. The form will list either the amount you will owe to Shoreside Rental Management or the amount of the security deposit being returned to you.


You will be given a report to notate and inspect your new apartment or home. To facilitate this inspection and to establish a record of the condition of the apartment upon your move in, a Move-In Inspection Report is completed by you and signed by both you and a representative. You will be provided with a copy of this form. It can then be used in the Move-Out inspection. This “before and after” inspection can avoid misunderstandings in the future. If you notice any additional items within the first 5 days of move-in, please contact the management office. Items that cannot be corrected will be noted on the inspection report.


The lease is a contract obligating all parties to the terms and conditions listed. You will receive a copy of your signed lease shortly after your move-in date. Please read it completely again and ask the Property Manager about anything which you do not fully understand. Please consult your lease for renewal procedure.


Please identify and register all persons who live in your home. Only those persons named on the lease and lease application are permitted to occupy your apartment. Please contact the management office for the procedure to add another occupant to the lease.


You are encouraged to contact an insurance agent concerning Renters’ Insurance or Household Goods and Liability Insurance or other similar policy to cover your personal belongings against vandalism, fire, burglary, and certain water damage as well as personal liability. Our insurance does not cover your personal belongings or liability. You will be held liable for any damage or injury caused by you, your family or your guests.


Utilities not furnished by us will require a transfer from our name to the name(s) of the new resident(s). This should be done prior to your move-in and within 24 hours after taking possession of the keys. Any lighting of pilot lights or tripping of breakers is the tenant’s responsibility.


Gulfport Water Dept. – 228.868-5720

MS Power – 228.864.1211

Gulfport Gas Center Point – 228.864.0103

Cable One – 228.374.5900

Coast Electric – 877.769.2372


MS Power – 1.800.532.1502

Coast Electric – 228.392.5449

Center Point Gas – 228.896.7500

Biloxi Water – 228.435.6240

West Jackson County Utility- 228-872-3898


Coast Electric – 228.388.3109

Singing River Electric – 228.497.1313

D’Iberville Water – 228.392.2310

Center Point Energy (gas) – 888.876.5786


Singing River Electric – 228.497.1313

Gautier Water & Sewer – 228.497.4283

St. Andrew Water – 228-875-2582

Jackson County Utilities – 228-872-4904



The purpose of these policies is to enable you to enjoy your home and the entire community and to maintain the appearance of the community. As a resident of a home in a community, you necessarily assume certain responsibilities which go along with the many benefits of the home lifestyle. These are common rules of etiquette designed to make the community more enjoyable for all residents.


The premise is defined as the housing unit, front, back and side yard areas including any and all flower beds, and any parking areas to include carports, driveways or street areas.


Please do not alter any lock, or install a new lock, knocker or other attachment on the door. Please be sure, when leaving your property, to take your door key with you at all times. If you cannot gain entry into your property, please contact a locksmith for access. Consider giving a spare key to a trusted relative or friend.


Most of our properties provide a garage for your vehicle. All vehicles must be drivable. Please do not park vehicles over the curb and parking on the grass is Never allowed. You are responsible for your vehicles and that of your guests.


No commercial vehicles, trucks, trailers, campers or boats are permitted on the property.


Trash containers are conveniently provided with each home. Please take all trash to these specified pickup areas. Place all trash in plastic bags or other secure containers to keep the trash areas neat, clean and relatively odor-free. Plastic bags must be tied to prevent papers and other items from falling out. Please place all trash inside the containers and not on top or beside them. Lids must be kept closed at all times. Residents in town home communities must have metal trash cans with lids per local law. The cost of removing trash not disposed of properly will be assessed to the persons responsible. Please help to maintain these areas litter free for the health, appearance and enjoyment of the entire community.


Yard maintenance is the responsibility of the tenant, unless otherwise noted in the lease. As the tenant you are responsible for maintaining the mowing and edging of the premise weeding of any flower beds and trimming of any bushes smaller than 6’ tall. Bushes in front of windows need to be kept no higher than half the height of the window opening. You will be responsible for returning the yard back to its original state upon move out, including replacing any bare grass spots or removing any added flower beds. Please contact the Management Office before additional flower beds are added to the premise.


Unless the management staff gives advance written consent in each and every instance, you may not install or operate in the property any machinery, refrigeration, heating devices, air-conditioning apparatus; use any other illumination other than electric lights; use or permit to be brought into the premises or the building any flammable oils or fluids such as gasoline, kerosene, naphtha and benzene, or other explosives which are deemed hazardous to life, limb, or property. ?No firecrackers or other fireworks are permitted on the property.


Social gatherings of residents and their guests are welcomed and encouraged provided that they do not become boisterous, obscene or generally objectionable to other residents. Residents are responsible for the conduct of their guests while on the premises. Nothing should be done in or about the property which will interfere with the rights, comfort or convenience of other residents.

Trees and shrubbery are a vital and valuable part of the property. You will be liable for damages for any mutilation or defacing for which you are responsible.


Adequate protection of you and your property is of great concern to us. However, your safety begins with your own actions. Please use any locks and other safety devices provided to ensure that uninvited persons cannot gain access. Close and lock your door at all times. Be suspicious of unexpected deliveries of flowers and telegrams. These are some of the tricks used to gain entry into a home. The patio door should be securely locked since this is a favorite means of unlawful entry. Although we install industry approved lock systems, all safety devices can be overridden by a professional. Remember, screens will keep out insects, NOT intruders. The best protection is the individual concern of each resident for the safety of himself and his neighbors. Report suspicious persons to law enforcement officials. Ask for identification of anyone not known to you who claims to be a representative of Shoreside Rental Management.


We recommend that you notify the mailperson, newsperson and all other routine delivery people when you plan to be away from your home for an extended period. The Post Office or a neighbor can hold your mail and other deliveries until you return. A growing pile of newspapers lets too many people know you are absent. Before leaving for an extended period away from your home, cupboards should be checked for unwrapped food and garbage should be removed. Leave a check to cover rent if the rent will be due during your vacation. Your rent is due on the first day of each month, whether you are here or away. Please keep all windows closed during your absence to prevent rain damage to draperies, carpeting, etc. Please check all electrical appliances (i.e., stove, coffee pot, etc.) to be certain that they are unplugged or off. A timer connected to a light and/or radio will often deter a potential intruder. It is advisable to notify the office if you will be away for an extended period of time.


Please empty waste and trash containers and dispose of newspapers and magazines regularly. Please store all matches in tightly-closed containers. Please clean grease and spilled food daily from cooking range and oven and store cooking grease containers away from range. Never wear flimsy clothing or plastic aprons when cooking. Please keep curtains, towels, pot holders, etc., away from the cooking range top. Never use combustible cleaning products or solvents indoors. Please refrain from smoking in bed. Have plenty of ashtrays for smokers to use. Never empty ashtrays in wastebaskets until ash has been soaked. Always keep household equipment clean and in good repair. Have worn and frayed electrical cords replaced immediately. Avoid overloading electric circuits. Use an asbestos pad under toasters, grills and other appliances. The management office will provide assistance in obtaining all pertinent information. Report any fires to the Fire Department and the office immediately. Always give an accurate and understandable address to aid fire departments in locating the fire. Storage of kerosene, gasoline or other flammable or explosive agents is prohibited. Fire regulations prohibit residents from storing any items in the area where the water heater and furnace are located.



Service requests must be submitted through your Tenant’s Portal in a timely manner. Failure to report damage to the home, whether Tenant caused or not, can result in the Tenant being responsible for costs. It is your responsibility to prevent further damage in the home if possible while waiting for repairs. You can do that by going to the following site and using the Contact Form. The explanation of the needed service should be clear and complete. This will help us to give better service and ensure that we fully understand the request. Our goal is to satisfy your request as quickly as possible. In some cases, a part may not be available. Every effort will be made to satisfy your request as soon as possible. Please notify us promptly of any needed repairs to equipment or fixtures. Prior to making a service request, we ask that you read the appropriate pages of this handbook. These outline a few simple checks which you can make to possibly correct the problem.

In the case of an emergency, please telephone the management office at 228.382.3210. If the emergency occurs after the office is closed, please telephone the emergency service number included in the inside cover of this handbook. Examples of items which are considered an emergency are as follows:

No heat in the winter and air conditioning during the summer
A plumbing leak or sewer stoppage which could potentially damage personal belongings or property.
Electrical failure severe enough to make the unit inhabitable.
Any condition that may cause a fire.
No water.
An odor of gas.

We ask that you be considerate of our employees during their off hours and only call upon them for service in an emergency situation. We sincerely hope that our service request procedure will provide fast, courteous and efficient service.


Normal pest control is the responsibility of the tenant. After attempting to resolve the issue first, please contact the management office to discuss other options. There will be a fee for any pest control service provided for unsanitary conditions beyond normal acceptable health standards. Please do not leave any food open or dirty dishes lying around which will attract pests. These attract insects. Soft drink bottles should be rinsed after use. Garbage and waste should ever be left in the home. Residents with pets will be charged for flea treatment.


All lights with bulbs when you move in will need to be replaced at move out. It is your responsibility, including appliance bulbs.


Your property has been cleaned and/or painted prior to move in. It is painted off white so that it is neutral. We suggest that it remain this color, with decorating ideas to offset the white. Alterations made without written permission will be chargeable to you. Please do not use the sticker type hangers since the adhesive is difficult to remove from the wall without leaving a mark and damaging the wallboard itself. We prefer that you utilize a slanting nail. Strippable wallpaper and contrasting paint colors may be used with written prior permission. However, walls must be returned to their original condition prior to move out. No “contact paper” may be used in the cabinets. Please use shelf liner.


Holiday decorations can be put up not more than 14 days before a holiday and must be removed 14 after the holiday. Do not use nails, screws or glue to affix decorations to the premise. Any damage caused by any decorations will be the responsibility of the tenant to repair.


Satellites will need to be approved by the Property Manager prior to installing. Any damage caused by the installation will be the responsibility of the tenant at move out. Any satellite installed will need to be removed at the tenants cost at the time of move out.


Regular cleaning of your home is required to avoid an eviction. Below is information on how to complete cleaning of basic items. It is not intended to be a complete list.


The care and maintenance of the carpet in your home is your responsibility. The carpet should be vacuumed frequently. Please exercise caution in shampooing the carpeting. Residue remaining can cause rapid re-soiling or may damage the carpet or the fabric. There is also the danger of over-wetting, which can result in a delayed reaction of brown spots. If you have a pet upon vacating De-odorization is required with the cleaning. No carpeting which adheres to the floor (tacked, glued, etc.) should be installed without the prior written approval of the rental office. You will liable for the cost of removing this carpeting upon move-out.


Tile floors are best protected from damage by regular cleaning and the application of regular floor finish. Maintaining a coating of floor finish over a tile floor also enhances the appearance of the room. Floor finish companies claim that their products help to prevent slipping.


The counter tops in your kitchen are of high grade laminate. While a very durable substance, this laminate is not impervious to severe heat and staining. Substances that may leave stains should be wiped off promptly and hot pads utilized as required to protect the surface. Please do not cut items with a sharp knife directly on your counter tops.


If the water is not hot, please report it to the management office immediately. If there are any leaking water pipes, dripping faucets or continually running toilet tanks, please report it and we will have it repaired. Portable washers place considerable strain on the plumbing. Extensive repairs usually must be made, which are chargeable to the resident. Therefore, these appliances should not be placed in the apartment. We do provide clothes care centers for your convenience. Please do not waste water by leaving faucets open for any unreasonable length of time.


The sewer system/grinder pump is sufficient to handle all normal drainage. The following items will result in chargeable damage: paper towels, facial tissue, disposable diapers, sanitary napkins, tampons, baby wipes, Q-tips, condoms, etc. These and similar items must not be flushed or washed down any drain. Care should be taken to avoid dropping foreign objects into the commode. Please don’t dispose of grease in the sinks or toilets. All grease should be disposed of with garbage in the proper receptacle. Damage caused by negligence will be charged to the resident. Should your commode overflow, immediately stop the flow of water by turning the handle located under the tank in a clockwise direction, then please call the office.


We have a strict NO SMOKING policy in any of our homes. This includes, but is not limited to, garages and entry ways. If the home smells of smoke at the move out inspection, it is an automatic forfeiture of the entire deposit.


At your move-in inspection, the management representative explained the location of the main water shutoff valve in your home. If you discover a water leak or a pipe freezes and bursts, please turn this valve off (rotate clockwise) and notify the management office immediately. To help prevent frozen pipes during extremely cold weather, open cabinet doors in the kitchen and bathroom. Water should be left running slowly in the kitchen and bathroom. Please turn in a service request if the caulked areas around your bathtub, tile and windows are badly cracked, broken or chipped. Water seepage can cause severe damage to your apartment as well as your neighbor’s.


During your original move-in inspection, the management representative explained the location of the circuit breaker box in your home. If the lights go out, please check this circuit breaker box. A tripped breaker must be tripped to the OFF position and then back to RESET. However, only reset the breaker once before calling the office. If there is a problem with an appliance circuit, you risk damage to the wiring and fuse box. Please check for any condition that may be overloading the circuit, i.e., too many appliance on the same circuit.


When changing a thermostat from HEAT to COOL or vice versa, always put the switch on the off position, pause two seconds then move the lever to the HEAT or COOL setting. Otherwise, permanent damage may result.

If HEAT or COOL cycle does not respond to thermostat setting, check breaker in electrical wall panel and wall switch in furnace room. Make sure they are ON. Check to ensure that the pilot light is on during heating periods if the apartment is gas heated.

Do not obstruct the air intake unit in any way. Check air filter visually to see that it is clean. It is your responsibility to change air filters monthly. A clean air filter aids in energy conservation and results in a more efficient operation of the heating and air conditioning.

Registers are balanced to provide efficient heating and cooling. During seasonal changes, they may be adjusted, bearing in mind that warm air will rise while cool air falls. Please keep all windows, doors and storm doors closed. Please keep all materials clear of outside condensing unit. Check for papers or plastics that may blow against air intake.

Please try to seek a desirable thermostat setting; then leave it there. If your apartment is unoccupied for a given period such as a working day or weekend, let the system operate in your absence. You should not allow the room temperature to fall below 55 degrees or rise above 85 degrees. Otherwise, damage to your personal property and apartment property may result. Don’t turn the heat completely off during cold weather when you are on vacation or otherwise not in your apartment for a period of time. Pipes may freeze and burst. If this occurs because of your negligence, you will be responsible for any resulting damage. Likewise, in hot weather, damage to your furnishings and apartment property may result if the air conditioning unit is completely turned off.

If the heat goes out, please check the thermostat and make sure that the switch is on the HEAT position. Turn the dial on the thermostat clockwise (raising temperature setting) several degrees and wait a couple of minutes. If the furnace still does not come on, check to ensure that the “Furnace” circuit breaker is in the ON position. Visually check if the pilot light is still burning. If the furnace still will not operate, contact the management office and advise what you have found during the above inspections. When reporting a problem, pinpoint the trouble as best you can. This will save time and minimize any inconvenience for you. It is a Tenants responsibility to use 1cup of  bleach/vinegar in the HVAC drain line once a month to prevent algae buildup and leaks. It is white PVC pipe with a cap in the HVAC closet inside of the house.



In case your appliance does not operate, first check the circuit breaker to see if it has tripped. Then check the electrical cord to ensure that it is firmly plugged into the wall socket. If these appear to be in order, refer to the appropriate section of this handbook. If the problem is still not resolved, please contact the management office. A management representative, usually the Maintenance Superintendent, will acquaint you with the operation of the heating and air conditioning system and all appliances (range, dishwasher [if provided], refrigerator) during the move-in inspection. Please ensure that the management representative explains the operation of any appliance or piece of equipment with which you are not familiar. 


Please clean top burner pans with a glass or tile cleaner each time they are used. This will eliminate grease buildup. When they become spotted with burned-on grease or food, use a scouring pad to remove all burned-on residue. Regularly clean the oven with a glass or tile cleaner. This will eliminate burned on food. Clean the oven according to directions. Never use any sharp instrument to clean the oven. Hood vent filters should be removed and cleaned monthly in hot, soapy water. Any failures should be reported immediately to the management office.


Unless you have a frost free refrigerator, defrosting your freezer unit is essential for efficient operation. The chore of defrosting can be made simpler by removing all items from the unit and placing a warm pan of water inside the unit after turning the control knob to the OFF position. Never use scrapers, ice picks or knives to remove frost. Normally, defrosting should take about 30 minutes and should be done at lease once every two months or when there is an accumulation of approximately ¼” of frost. Frequent defrosting ensures peak performance and saves on electricity. The inside can be kept fresh-smelling by using baking soda and water after defrosting. Any failures should be reported immediately to the management office.

DISPOSAL (If provided)

The disposal must not be loaded too heavily. The safety overload on the motor will shut off the unit if it is overloaded. To reset the safety overload, wait three or four minutes for the motor to cool, and then push the red button on the motor (in the cabinet under the sink). Any time the disposal is being used, the COLD water should be running as fast as possible. Even after the disposal is empty let the water run a few minutes to clear the line. If the motor will not start, check the reset and then call the management office for service. If the motor needs to be reset you will be charged for the service fee. NEVER PUT YOUR HAND DOWN THE DISPOSAL WHEN IT IS TURNED ON.


1. Turn COLD WATER on to full flow.

2. Push food refuse through the splash guard into the disposal. Do not stuff.

3. Flip start switch to ON. Allow disposal to operate until shredding sound ceases. Run cold water a few minutes longer; then turn off. Water is necessary to wash the food waste down the drain. Cold water, besides being economical, is necessary because it prevents overheating of the disposal motor.

PLEASE DO NOT DISCARD THE FOLLOWING ITEMS IN YOUR DISPOSAL: metal, glass, plastic, grease, paper, cigarettes, bones, banana peels, oyster or clam shells, tea bags (metal staple), dish rags, celery, corn husks, potato peels, etc. If you can’t chew it, neither can your disposal. If a spoon, bottle cap or other foreign item should be lodged in the disposal, make an attempt to retrieve it, but not when the disposal is on. You will be charged if damage is caused by any foreign objects. The disposal is self cleaning. Please do not use caustic drain cleaners at any time. A lemon, orange rind or baking soda will keep it odor free. Keep the cover on the drain when not in use to prevent foreign material from accidentally dropping into the waste disposal unit. We suggest that our residents periodically run the disposal after dropping a few ice cubes within. This action will help keep the blades sharp and working properly.


Food particles left on soiled dishes will jam the dishwasher. Please make certain dishes are scraped and rinsed under running water prior to placing them in the racks. This includes cups and glasses as well. Do not crowd dishes, cups, glasses or silverware, so water can circulate freely over each piece. Avoid covering the center hole in the lower rack for maximum efficiency. Please use only dishwasher detergent products. Do not use soap or laundry detergents under any circumstances. You will save power (and cut down on your electric bill) by waiting to run your dishwasher until you have a full load; however, do not leave soiled dishes in the dishwasher for a long period of time. Any failures should be reported immediately to the management office.


Energy conservation results in lower utility bills which benefit you. Energy conservation is also consistent with the nation’s goals. Please turn off lights when not needed for a period of time. A 40-watt bulb burned for 10 hours uses 4,640 BTU’s.


1. In operating a garbage disposal, use cold water. This reduces hot water usage, saves on kilowatts or gas cubic feet and eliminates maintenance problems.

2. Please notify the management office immediately when you note a leaky faucet or running commode. If you can fix a leaky commode, please do so and let the property know. A leaky water faucet dripping one drop per second can waste as much as 650 gallons of water in one year.


1. Please decide on a desired temperature and leave thermostat there rather than constantly adjusting.

2. Be sure obstacles do not block the return air grille which is normally located in the wall adjacent to the furnace room.

3. Maintain thermostat controls for cooling at not less than 75 degrees during the cooling season and heat controls at not more than 68 degrees during the heating season (but not less than 55 degrees). To prevent freeze-ups in the winter, thermostats are NEVER to be turned off.

4. If the apartment has a fireplace, close the damper tightly when you are not using it so the chimney doesn’t draw heated or cooled air from the apartment.

5. Adjusting drapes, blinds or shades can act as insulation. For example, during the winter, keep them open and let the sunlight warm the air and cut the heating system’s load. On summer days, close the drapes on the sunny side to cut incoming heat.

6. Keep the doors to the outside shut when either the air conditioning or heating is on.

7. Since appliances give off heat which the cooling system has to counteract, during the hottest time of day, please consider minimizing their use.

8. After bathing, keep door closed and turn on the bathroom exhaust fan.


1. Please defrost your refrigerator when frost in the freezer compartment is about ¼” thick.

2. When cooking on the range, a vent fan will exhaust heated air directly to the outside and relieve the burden on the cooling system.

3. The range will cook more efficiently if you match the diameter of pots and pans to those of the heating elements to prevent heat from escaping into the air.

4. A dishwasher operates more economically when filled to capacity but not overloaded.

5. Do not set your refrigerator or freezer to run colder than necessary.

6. Oven heat will not circulate efficiently so don’t use the oven to quickly heat your kitchen. It will also damage the appliance.

7. Glass or glass ceramic baking dishes transfer heat better than metal and can generally be used in an oven set at 25 degrees lower than is necessary for metal utensils.

8. Less heat escapes with covered pots and pans, which allows you to use lower heat settings.

9. Always make sure that your range is turned off after use.

10. Small appliances (such as electric skillets, toasters, crock pots, etc.) are an economical way to prepare small meals since they use less electricity than the electric range.

11. If there is a dishwasher located in the home, be sure to use the correct amount of detergent and load properly for most efficient use. It is most economical to use at full capacity.



Please open the damper before lighting the fire, and keep it open until the ashes are cool enough to touch. If the fireplace smokes, try opening a window an inch or two to assure sufficient air circulation. Conserve heat by keeping the damper closed when no fire is burning. Never use gasoline, charcoal lighter or other fuel to light or relight a fire because the vapors can explode. Never keep flammable fuels near a fire. Do not use coal or charcoal in a fireplace because of the danger of carbon monoxide build-up. Don’t stuff scrap papers, gift wrappings and old Christmas trees into the fireplace. They can burn rapidly, giving off heat intense enough to set afire the soot on the inside of the flue, and even go out onto the roof, igniting the shingles.

Please do not overload the fireplace. Large fires can lead to overheating of wall or roof materials, particularly in metal fireplaces. Always use a screen around the fireplace to keep sparks from flying out and to protect children from accidentally catching fire. Keep flammable materials such as carpets, pillows, furniture, paper or Christmas trees away from the fireplace area. Make sure that the fire is out completely before retiring for the night, or when leaving the house. To extinguish a fireplace in an emergency, douse the flames with plenty of sand, water or a chemical fire extinguisher.


Go to  and sign into the “Resident Sign In” section of the site and report your maintenance request using the Contact Form.

Any maintenance issue that is reported to the office as being a result of tenant cause or failure will be charged to the tenant’s account.

If your home has a Grinder Pump, please call Jackson County Utilities to have it turned on at 228-875-2582

In an emergency, please email the issue to An emergency is defined as: a Fire, Flood or immediate electrical issue. Be sure to say it is an emergency. You will receive a response to one of the above. Please remember to turn off the water main during a flood and the breaker in case of an electrical issue.

Tenant acknowledges that there will be no response if texting an emergency

Rental Application

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